

Aug 03 at 11:22 AM

He has drank all my Blueberry 🍷 during the show last night. That lil Jay Z chit-chat was too much. Look at his damn eyes..



Jul 19 at 07:23 PM

Here is my theory. He paid William to so the interview...when it didn't get the buz...right before his album drops he says he's going to sue Tasha. AGAIN to get himself in the blogs. Yooooouuuuu still a 1 hit wonder niggaGTFOH


Jun 30 at 08:48 AM

WILLIAM is a attention whore..we sick of him



Jun 30 at 08:29 AM

When are you going to start visiting vinards and distributors to start your own wine brand...Your known for sipping and SPILLING the wine and have the following...GO FOR IT GIRL..we WILL support you.
Comedians push their products a lot after shows..You can have wine tastings and sell the first bulk of products while on tours. Promote on the road

The way I fell out my damn bed when Tasha played the mute rapper 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You Aint Shit Tasha... I'm gone be sitting next to you in hell bi+h.. Crying 😭


Jun 12 at 08:47 PM

Flood The Comedy Zone's line and tell them we want Tasha K

SN: Tasha if you're booked don't stay at that Raggedy ass hotel 🤣l


Jun 11 at 06:31 PM

WINO'S lets start calling The Comedy House in Columbia to get Tasha booked


Jun 08 at 07:00 PM

I was just coming over here to post this.. Its getting hot over there.



May 31 at 01:55 PM

May 31 at 06:24 AM

What in the hot ass spring is going on here?????I know them feet were sweaty n stanking when those boots came off