carol mays

Washington, DC, United States


Mar 26 at 10:47 AM

Does anyone find it odd that Tasha's SIL recent run-in with the law wasn't public until she made it public? Like give her notoriety, it would make the news like Will Smith's speeding ticket. Right?

Mar 24 at 04:59 PM

he can't come back, we changed the locks 😍😜😅😂😁


Mar 21 at 07:14 PM

from the chronicles of "TK, Did I Lie..." so, Day 1 winos, remember TK did that story on Soulja Boy and Teddy Riley's daughter ... $10 million dollar judgement later, who's telling the lie now ... 

yep, Bmore is not considered part of the DMV. No shade, but its the beltways that separate the cities. Now, when I want some crab cakes, I drive 40 minutes to the BMore area for the seafood (and TK ticket!!) 😀😍

seems like she was more of a friend to Jada, than Jada was to her. a decent safe interview, but she definately held back of respect for a former friend that would never do that for her.


Mar 12 at 09:54 AM

Right, Winos don't play about TK. This the same messy heffa that was anti-TK during the trial and Team RK. She probably was trying to record on behalf of RK's lawyer and monetize her channel. "oh, Tasha invited me..." okay, hell she invited all of us -- that paid 😆🤣


Mar 10 at 09:41 PM

Stay away from that messy Infamous Sylvia, TK ... ask Nylah

polygraphs can produce false results which is why they are not often admissable in court. i've taken several for job purposes, in one case results was inconclusive; took it a second time, same day, no issues. so, i, personally do not give polygraphs much weight.


this girl has a devious, dangerous lying spirit. the whole community should shun her. she probably told the lie on the teacher and principal because the stopped believing her.  i don't believe not one text she's ever posted because a tech savvy person can manipulate text msgs. especially in the age of AI.


Ms Lea is not the one. The "...bitch sitting up here in a Shein wig..." comment took me out.😅😂