
Franklin, VA, United States


May 13 at 08:57 PM

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About lastnight in Va Beach. I was so excited I couldn't even get the camera turned around right at first. #NoAfterParty but that's what I told Facebook. 😆 🤣 😂 My YEAR has been made. Day ONE Wino!!!!


GOD doesn't put everyone together though.

A lot of men downgrade for peace of mind.


Takia W, Preach!!! Cause folks act like they hang with Mel at the bar on Friday nights after a long work week!


Unpopular Opinion Podcast, It's only gospel when she says it. Let them tell it.

Jan 19 at 10:01 AM

Tasha girl, I have the same shoes in BLACK!!! What Pops Wayans and Luda say, "You gots to cooooordinate!" Love that oldschool jean jumper though. It's 🔥!


Jan 19 at 09:57 AM

TLA did a whole 3hr 30min segment yesterday on this 'allegedly' found money.

The original one was my first and LAST!!!